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C O N S T E L L A T I O N A L    H E A L I N G 

by Emily Frost


~ Loving illumination and powerful healing of the subconscious field. ~


When we enter a horses' space, as sacred space; 

moving in ceremony over the land, under the sky, walking with nature;

we find ourselves in a web of a multi-dimensional knowing field. 


Communing with nature through a channeled and heightened awareness of

self, and the connection we have to all, expands our field of potentiality, creating an

opportunity for healing, through a loving illumination and reintegration of shadow.


Horse medicine is primal and is similar in many ways to traditional constellation therapy, though this modality of horse medicine and constellational healing is notably unique. Merging animal communication, clairvoyance, as well as

 modern and ancient psychotherapies.

During these sessions you'll get to journey as a seeker, while I act as a guide to help facilitate the flow of the journey, the translation of the grid, and unveil different representatives. Representatives can be
anything within the grid; holding space as ideas, family members, and
different details associated with the seekers' journey.

 This work can be done individually, or for couples, with each participant
taking turns to journey as a seeker, and act as a representative for their fellow seeker.

These all-dimensional journeys are guided using various healing modalities to help you gain peace and a sense of clarity with whatever you might be navigating. The seeker participates with the energy grid until the field feels morphogenic. A healing statement is then made by each participant before the
ceremony is brought to close, or the next
person has their turn as the seeker.


As expressions of nature - we inherently yearn to harmonize with the world around us. By methodically observing how our "personal" energy fields are inspired to harmonize with the primal grid of nature, including an autonomous herd of horses,
we can gain enormous amounts of healing clarity.

Each journey
 invites the seeker to illuminate the subconscious mind and lovingly reconnect with different shadowed aspects of themselves - assisting easeful manifestations, and accelerated growth, through a regulation
and integration of duality. 

These sessions are an alternative / complementary healing approach to resolving depression, grief, anxiety, toxic relationship patterns, ancestral wounding, dysfunction, illness, trauma, chronic fear, guilt, obsession, addictions, and many other diseases, challenges, and traumas. 



S E S S I O N 

3 hour journey at the Sanctuary.

45 minutes east of Edmonton, AB.


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